A fun, festive craft activity to discuss and celebrate the things we are thankful for and wishes money can’t buy.
- Poster Paper (thick watercolor paper works great)
- Construction Paper
- Glue
- Tape
- Glitter (and other decorative objects)
- Markers

Step One
The first step is to introduce the project and the purpose. Depending on the age of the child, you may say “Today we are making holiday pictures to show things we are grateful for, and things we wish for, but with a challenge… it has to be things that money can’t buy.” Take time to brainstorm possibilities.
We chose to make a Christmas tree with what we wish for hidden under the presents.
Step Two
Cut out tree (or print a blank template to decorate), glue to the paper and decorate.
Tell clients to be as creative as they’d like and be sure to offer different options like beads, glitter, stickers, or other items they can use to decorate their art.
Next cut out shapes for presents and write under each shape something you wish for that money can’t buy.
We decided to use tape on the top of the gifts so you can flip the paper up and see what was written underneath. Glue can be an option for more privacy.

Remember to be mindful of your client’s religion and the way they choose to spend (or not spend) the holidays.
Also remember in Play Therapy, to praise the effort and not the outcome. Try to refrain from “What a pretty tree” and instead say something like, “You worked hard on your tree!”